As a part of our organizational dedication to the entrepreneurial spirit, Golden Gate BPO Solutions is an active participant in helping to mentor students at the Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business. Through this involvement, it is our goal to help foster an innovative group of young business leaders that will take their experience and become successful entrepreneurs of the future.

Last month, Golden Gate BPO CEO and Dingman Center Board of Advisors member Stephen B. Ferber, mentored students as a part of Business Management 461, an undergraduate course where classmates form teams and start real-world companies that earned hundreds, even thousands, of dollars. Each team successfully made money in a situation where the students went through an entire cycle of entrepreneurship. Even more important than getting a taste of business success for these studence was the experience of feeling what entrepreneurship truly is about.

Check out the full event highlights here, with more photos below.

From left to right: Alex Triantes (Dean at University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business), Jeff Grinspoon (Dingman Center Board of Advisors and VWG Wealth Management), Liz Sara (Dingman Center Chair / Board of Advisors and Best Marketing LLC), Mark Walsh (Former Head of Innovation and Investment at U.S. Small Business Administration), Stephen B. Ferber (Dingman Center Board of Advisors and Golden Gate BPO Solutions).

From left to right: Dr. Rudy Lamone (Founder of Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, Board of Advisors and Professor Emeritus and Former Dean at the University of Maryland Robert H. Smith School of Business) and Michael Dingman (Founder of Signal Corporation and now part of Honeywell International).

From left to right: Alex Triantes, Elana Fine (Executive Director of the Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship), and Rudy Lamone

From left to right: Stephen B. Ferber, Elana Fine, and Jeff Grinspoon.

Pictured: Elana Fine

Pictured: Alex Triantes

Pictured: Rudy Lamone

Written by Jaime Weinsier